8 Best Advantages of quality control

Learn here the advantages of quality control. Quality control ensures the production of quality products. It is one of the most demanding and crucial aspects of a company’s procedure.

Quality control is an important aspect of quality assurance, audits, testing, and inspections are all part of the quality control process.

Quality control has been around for over 100 years, but it was only widely adopted in factory production in the 1920s.

Today, quality control is a significant factor in product design and manufacturing processes to ensure that we meet customer needs and catch any potential defects or damages at their earliest stages. 

What Is Quality Control?

We can define quality control (QC) as the process of ensuring that a product or service meets certain quality standards.

It involves identifying, measuring, and evaluating the quality of a product or service and taking corrective action when necessary.

QC is an important part of any business, as it can help to improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and increase profits.

Types of Quality Control

There are three kinds of quality control that are below:

  1. Statistical Quality Control (SQC): Uses statistical methods to monitor and maintain quality standards.
  2. Visual Inspection: Involves manual assessment for visible defects or irregularities.
  3. Functional Testing: Evaluates product functionality and performance against set criteria.

Objectives of A Quality Control

Quality has different objectives and some of them are below:

  1. To ensure that products and services meet customer expectations and requirements.
  2. To prevent defects from occurring.
  3. To reduce the cost of quality.
  4. To improve customer satisfaction.
  5. To increase profits.

Advantages of Quality Control

There are several dominant benefits of quality control such as It is one of the most vital components in any business since it identifies the weaknesses in a product or service and provides.

Methods to resolve them before they are released. Below is the list of the main benefits of quality control.

1. Satisfaction of consumers

Consumers benefit immensely from a company that maintains quality control. A well-designed product can have a much higher market value than one of poor quality.

The time and money saved by not having to go back and forth to fix faulty products are the benefits that consumers get. In addition, when the item is not damaged in transit, the consumer receives an additional value.

For example, if a customer wants to have a $500 gadget shipped internationally, it is the custom version that doesn’t need special packaging and needs an extra charge of $150.

A customer will probably be more pleased with a company with quality control because it ensures that its products are correctly packaged and shipped off within time limits.

2. Reduction in production cost

A properly functioning quality control can help a company save time and money.

For instance, if the product produced in one hour costs $10 to make but takes up to two hours to fix a defect, it will cost more than $10.

So, by implementing quality controls in the production process, this extra time and money spent on faulty products could complete another order in less time and cost.

Quality control not only helps consumers but also helps companies save money.

3. Proper design of the product

A product that has a good design is also safer. Designing a safe vehicle should have substantial body parts, excellent steering, and anti-skid measures.

For consumer safety, we can also make a complex device or machine with high-quality materials and components.

For example, a fire extinguisher or an emergency braking system uses fewer materials, which are very easy to locate, while having a larger capacity than ones created with less expensive components. 

For example, a car made with high-quality components will be easier to repair. However, one that is poorly designed might take a lot more time to fix.

It may require repairs from several people, and it could also cause delays in assembling the final product.

One of the main benefits of quality control is that it helps companies use high-quality components for making the final product.

4. Harmless and safe products

It has also proven quality control to create safer and more efficient products. Companies that follow quality control can produce chips with fewer defects, which will help save on production costs.

In a factory with many workers, the benefits of reduced accidents and injuries are even more significant.

Consider the case of a worker’s wrist that is severely injured by accidentally touching an off-limit part during repair work.

With quality control in place, if it is the final product being manufactured, the company has time to correct its error so that no harm is caused to other workers or people.

5. Increased goodwill

A company with a quality control system will have increased goodwill among the people it serves.

This is because the company shows that it cares about its customers by ensuring that their needs are met, and we catch any potential defects early on.

Quality control also helps protect the environment by reducing waste and recycling old or defective parts to be reused. It is not just companies that benefit from quality control, but also employees, customers, and society.

6. Effective advertisement 

With advertisements, most people look for the best quality product because of how much they spend on ads.

A company that implements a good quality control system will have less waste and thus save a lot of money on advertisement.

A great example of this is the famous “Made in Japan” phrase that implies the high-quality products manufactured by Japanese companies.

The term became famous worldwide because of its accuracy and showed how companies could produce a good quality product.

7. Increased sales 

A good quality control system will also increase sales. A company that can produce a product that meets the customers’ needs and requirements will have more success in sales than a company that does not have an effective quality control system.

Also, the company can have satisfied customers who will then purchase more products from the company in the future.

8. Creating a Better Work Environment

Quality control ensures that employees provide quality work. Quality assurance is often overlooked, but it helps keep a better work environment for everyone in the office.

When employees feel that management cares about their work and wants them to do a good job, they are more likely to produce quality results.

Quality control ensures that employees are keeping up with a good work environment.


Importance of Quality Control

Quality control is important because it helps businesses to:
1. Ensure customer satisfaction
2. Reduce costs
3. Improve safety and reliability
4. Increase productivity
5. Maintain compliance with regulations

What are the 7 tools of quality control includes?

The seven tools of quality control are:
1. Check sheet
2. Cause-and-effect diagram
3. Pareto chart
4. Histogram
5. Scatter diagram
6. Control chart
7. Stratification


At the end of the advantages of quality control, we conclude that quality control is a tool that can help a company achieve its economic goals, solve the problems it is facing, and create safer and better products.

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