11 Advantages of Note Taking | Importance, Skills, methods, and strategies

For understanding a topic, one of the most important tools at your disposal is taking notes. This is because taking notes requires you to take complex information and organize it into manageable pieces.

As a result, this strategy can be both incredibly useful and incredibly difficult. The advantages of note taking can be substantial enough to make keeping notes a worthwhile endeavor.

Note-taking is recording the things you learn during lectures and readings to help you recall and review the information later.

Tasks such as taking notes, outlining notes, making summaries, mind mapping, or other mapping techniques are all forms of note taking.

Importance of Note Taking

Why take notes? During lectures and in the classroom, taking notes is important to make sure you understand the material.

One great way to take notes is by noting what is being said so you can attend closely to the information that is being presented.

Two ideas that can help you take notes effectively are to summarize what is being said and to record any terms or concepts you do not know.

Taking notes as it presents the material helps you keep information because your brain works actively to process and remember what it is hearing.

Some other reasons why are notes important:

  1. Notes taking Improved comprehension
  2. It Increased creativity
  3. It also Improved critical thinking skills
  4. Note-taking can help you learn new information more effectively
  5. Studies have shown that people who take notes are better able to remember information than those who do not.

Benefits of Note Taking

The benefits of note taking can be large and make it worth the effort to take notes during lectures, meetings, and discussions. Lesson plans, test-taking, lectures, discussions, and lecture presentations are all great ways to take notes efficiently. Let’s start.

advantages of note taking

1. Organizing

Taking notes, as we say, helps you have a clear and organized way to keep track of the information. Tackling and finishing tasks while keeping a note is an important way to structure your time in a productive manner.

2. Creating a Cliff Notes Version

Taking notes helps you create a kind of summary or outline of what was presented. This is one way to create a type of “Cliff Notes” version of a book or lesson.

A Cliff’s Notes is a popular condensed version of a book created for students in the United States. The notes are used to help people to remember what they read.

3. Reinforce the important points

Taking notes will give you a chance to see what is important. Keep in mind the most important points of a lecture or presentation. You can use any tactics of note-taking to help you spot what is most important.

4. Learning vocabulary

A study on “Learning Vocabulary Through Note-Taking” by Dr. Elizabeth Lunday found that vocabulary learned was less when students did their note-taking without looking up definitions and more when they looked up words.

5. Designate a primary place to keep notes

Trying to find a good place to keep notes can be difficult. There are several ways to organize and sort the notes you take during lectures, meetings, or discussions. We have categorized a few advantages of note taking in types.

  • By student

Some prefer to keep their notes separate from each student, which means you should have one notebook for each person you are studying with.

  • By Group

Some people prefer to keep their notes together in one notebook, as this can help them stay organized with the notes they take during group projects.

  • Label

Label your notebooks to help you keep track of what we write in them.

  • By Category

Sometimes it seems easier to keep notes in categories, rather than by a student or group. You can have a small box for each class or major concept you are studying for and put all the information in there.

6. Rapid Note-Taking

The “Notes-To-Self” or “Quick Notemethod is a quick way to create notes for future reference. Memorizing a few key points can help you keep in mind the important concepts of a subject.

Cornell Note Taking Method
A note-taking method is a practice that allows you to take notes quickly and efficiently. The Cornell method is a widely used note-taking method for academics.

The Cornell method is a system that is widely used in academic classrooms. Professor Walter Pauk developed it at Cornell University and was first published in his book. Many students and teachers widely used it as a way to help them learn for academics.

The Cornell system involves a special way of taking notes that are organized in a special order. There are many ways to do this. to

7. Creating an Outline

Another great option is to create an outline of the notes you took. This will help you place the notes in a more organized way. This can make it easier to take notes and use them later than study material.

8. Reviews Notes For Learning

Taking notes helps you to revisit material so you can learn it more thoroughly. Reading over the notes is a great way to review what you learned in class or in a meeting.

9. Assignment Notes

Notes can help you as a resource for completing your school assignments. Some subjects, such as history, involve an in-depth look at the subject.

10. Study Material for Group Projects

Group work can be tedious, especially if you are the only person who knows what is going on. The ability to take notes during group projects can help everyone learn more efficiently.

11. Taekwondo Notes

In Taekwondo, one skill you must have is being able to take notes during a demonstration. This helps you to record the techniques used by your teacher as they instruct you.

  • Teambuilding

Team building can help you and your group move projects forward more quickly. By outlining the strengths and weaknesses of a team, you can work more efficiently to reach a common goal.

  • Productivity Goals

Teamwork has several pros and cons. Team building can help teammates understand each other’s motivations and how to work together. This can help you move your team towards common goals.

  • Completing a Project

Teamwork and understanding is necessary for completing projects efficiently. Working with your team members helps you to understand what their individual needs are and how to complete the tasks efficiently.

  • Balance in Workload

We can apply the importance of taking notes to complete school projects, homework, or coursework.

The ability to have clearly organized notes and a solid understanding of the material may help you work more efficiently and complete your tasks without jumping through hoops.

Methods of Note-Taking

There are many methods of note-taking, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Outline method: This method involves organizing your notes in a hierarchical structure, with the main points at the top and the supporting details below. This method is good for organizing large amounts of information, but it’s difficult to follow during a lecture or presentation.
  • Cornell method: This method divides your paper into three sections: a cue column, a notes column, and a summary section. The cue column is where you write the main points, the notes column is where you write more detailed information, and the summary section is where you write an overview of the topic. This method is good for both taking notes and reviewing them later.
  • Mapping method: This method involves creating a diagram to represent the relationships between the different ideas in your notes. This method is good for visualizing complex concepts, but it can be time-consuming to create.
  • Bullet point method: This method involves writing your notes in a list of bullet points. This method is simple and easy to follow, but it’s difficult to organize large amounts of information in this way.
  • Sentence method: This method involves writing your notes in complete sentences. This method is good for capturing the speaker’s exact words, but it’s difficult to keep up with during a lecture or presentation.

The best method of note-taking for you will depend on your personal learning style and the specific situation. Experiment with different methods to find one that works best for you.

Note-Taking Strategies & Techniques

Notetaking can be difficult even for a seasoned note taker. Many students start by taking notes from the teacher, without paying attention to what they are writing.

Others may find this tedious and feel as though they are always being told to take notes. Below are some strategies & techniques of note-taking that can help you be more productive, organized, and effective.

  1. Take notes from the teacher and complete homework:
  2. Set an hourly goal:
  3. Write with your head:
  4. Use the “head, hand, and body” method of note-taking:
  5. Use acronyms and abbreviations:
  6. Write notes on the board to yourself:
  7. Use shorthand:
  8. Write keywords and phrases instead of writing the whole sentence:
  9. Using a graphic organizer for certain subjects:
  10. Recording lecture notes into a video (or slide presentation):
  11. Taking notes on the board and then going back to the lecture:
  12. Taking notes in audio or videos on mp3 players:
  13. Make sure you are not in the front row.


Does taking notes help you learn?

Does taking notes help you remember?

How to take notes from textbook?

How to take notes without writing everything?

Why is taking notes beneficial to a student?

How to take notes?


At the end of the article, we can say that taking notes is a positive thing that helps us to learn and remember information. Also, it helps us to organize our thoughts and study.

Therefore, knowing how to take notes properly can help us a lot. You can find many good tips about taking notes on the internet, but it doesn’t matter if you are using old-school paper notebooks or computers with special programs.

Hope you enjoy the pros of taking notes and that you will take good notes from now on!