How to say Happy Birthday in German

Have a birthday coming up? If the birthday boy or girl is German, you’re not only searching for a gift but for the right words to wish them a happy birthday. Germans are serious about birthdays, have an unusual sense of humor, and expect a lot from the person celebrating their birthday.

Germans invented birthdays in the late 18th century. Of course, we have always celebrated birthdays but not always with cake. In the Middle Ages, German bakers found that selling birthday cakes to parents on their children’s birthdays provided extra income.

This led to the invention of the festival. Germans take birthdays seriously, so this is a good thing. Let’s learn together how to say “Happy Birthday” in German. 

Don’t Wish Someone Happy Birthday in Advance

Do you know Germans are superstitious? Especially on birthdays! If you’re going to miss someone’s birthday, the last thing you want is to wish them “Happy Birthday” in advance.

It’s considered very bad luck! The “birthday ‘child” will be very offended and you might cause a lot of trouble before their big day!

How to say Happy Birthday in German

Many people like birthdays in their native language. If you are studying internationally or doing the job, then it’s a great idea to wish birthdays in their language. In this article, we are discussing how to wish a happy birthday in German.

1Happy BirthdayAlles Gute zum Geburtstag!
2Wishing you a Happy BirthdayIch wünsche dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
3Best wishes on your BirthdayDie besten Wünsche zu deinem Geburtstag!
4Have a great BirthdayHab einen tollen Geburtstag!
5May your Birthday be joyfulMöge dein Geburtstag fröhlich sein!
6Celebrate your BirthdayFeiere deinen Geburtstag!
7Enjoy your special dayGenieße deinen besonderen Tag!
8Many happy returnsHerzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
9Wishing you all the bestIch wünsche dir alles Liebe
10Happy Birthday to youHerzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
11Sending Birthday wishesSende Geburtstagswünsche
12Another year olderEin Jahr älter
13Enjoy your dayGenieße deinen Tag!
14Have a fantastic BirthdayHab einen fantastischen Geburtstag!
15Cheers to another yearProst auf ein weiteres Jahr
16Sending you Birthday joySende dir Geburtstagsfreude
17Warmest Birthday wishesHerzlichste Geburtstagswünsche
18May your dreams come trueMögen deine Träume wahr werden!
19Celebrating you todayFeiere dich heute!
20Wishing you a joyful dayIch wünsche dir einen fröhlichen Tag!

Happy Birthday in German

Here are some other ways to wish birthdays in German.

German birthday wishesMeaning in English
Nachträglich Alles Gute Zum Geburtstag Happy belated birthday
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Happy birthday
Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag All the best on your birthday!  
Viel Glück zum Geburtstag! Much love on your birthday
Von Herzen alles Gute zum Geburtstag    From the heart, happy birthday  
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Zeitalter!  I wish you a healthy and successful new year.
Es lebe das Geburtstagskind!     Long live the birthday child!  
Viel Gesundheit, Glück und Zufriedenheit dem Geburtstagskind     Good health, happiness, and successto the birthday boy
Alles Gute zum [Nummer] Geburtstag  Happy [number] birthday  

ways How to wish birthday in German

Here are some other ways that will help you how to wish a happy birthday in German. Birthday means in German Geburtstag.

Ich hoffe, du hast einen schönen GeburtstagI hope you have a nice birthday
Feier schön!Celebrate nicely!
Schön, dass du geboren wurdest!I am glad that you were born!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Liebling.Happy Birthday, my love.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Bruder/Schwester/Mama/Papa.Happy birthday, brother/sister/mom/dad
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Oma/OpaHappy birthday Grandma/grandpa
   Zeit, deine Geburtstagskerzen auszupusten!  Time to blow out your birthday candles

In German Happy birthday

  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Möge dein Tag voller Freude sein.
  • Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Ich hoffe, du hast einen wundervollen Tag im Kreise deiner Lieben.
  • Wünsche dir einen fröhlichen Geburtstag voller Lachen, Liebe und unvergesslichen Momenten.
  • Zum Geburtstag sende ich dir die herzlichsten Glückwünsche und beste Gesundheit.
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum neuen Lebensjahr!
  • Möge dieses Jahr mit Freude und Erfolg gefüllt sein.
  • Ich wünsche dir Gesundheit, Glück und viel Erfolg für das kommende Jahr.
  • Feiere diesen besonderen Tag in vollen Zügen.
  • Lass dich heute ordentlich feiern!
  • Mögen all deine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen.
  • Genieße jeden Moment dieses Tages.
  • Auf ein weiteres Jahr voller Abenteuer und Erlebnisse!
  • Bleib so einzigartig, wie du bist.
  • Happy Birthday und alles Liebe für dich!

how do you say Happy Birthday in German

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

Translation: Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

This is the standard and most common way to wish someone a happy birthday in German.

Alles Gute und Liebe zum Geburtstag!

Translation: All the best and love on your birthday!

Adds a touch of warmth and affection to the birthday wish.

Die besten Wünsche zu deinem Geburtstag!

Translation: The best wishes for your birthday!

Expresses a sincere desire for the person to have a great day.

Möge dein neues Lebensjahr voller Freude sein!

Translation: May your new year of life be full of joy!

Focuses on the upcoming year and the hope for happiness.

Genieße deinen besonderen Tag in vollen Zügen!

Translation: Enjoy your special day to the fullest!

Encourages the person to make the most of their birthday.

Herzliche Glückwünsche zu deinem Ehrentag!

Translation: Heartfelt congratulations on your special day!

Adds an element of honor and recognition to the birthday wish.

Mögest du heute alle Freuden deines Lebens feiern!

Translation: May you celebrate all the joys of your life today!

Emphasizes celebrating life’s joys on the birthday.

Gesundheit, Glück und Erfolg für dein neues Lebensjahr!

Translation: Health, happiness, and success for your new year of life!

Wishes for well-being and achievements in the coming year.

Lass dich heute gebührend feiern und verwöhnen!

Translation: Allow yourself to be celebrated and pampered today!

Encourages the person to enjoy the attention and care on their special day.

Ein fröhliches Geburtstagsfest mit all deinen Lieben!

Translation: A joyful birthday celebration with all your loved ones!

Highlights the importance of sharing the day with family and friends.

Birthday Celebration

Formal birthday wishes

If you are working in a firm or want to wish your teacher what is the formal method to wish a happy birthday? here are a few ways to wish in a formal way.

Wir wünschen Ihnen einen wunderschönen Tag! We wish you a wonderful dayIt is a way of expressing your stopgap that the person enjoys on their special day. You can also use Dir rather than Ihnen if you’re on familiar terms with the person.  
Ich wünsche Dir zu Deinem Geburtstag alles Liebe und Gute – verbringe einen wunderschönen Tag im Kreise Deiner Lieben. “I wish you the best on your birthday – may you have a wonderful day with your loved ones”.This is another veritably friendly and enthusiastic way of saying happy birthday in German, and it also encourages the person to enjoy themselves and have fun.      
Ich wünsche Dir einen herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und alles Liebe und Gute und ganz viel Gesundheit und Spaß. Lass Dich schön feiern.“Happy birthday and I wish you good health and happiness. Let’scelebratewithfun.”Another very friendly and enthusiastic way of saying happy birthday in German, and it also encourages the person to enjoy themselves and have fun.  
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute zum Geburtstag wünscht Dir (your name).“Happy birthday, andI wish you the best oflucktoday.”Further, a very simple and polite way of signing off your message or card with your name.  

Start Celebrations Early

While you’re not allowed to say “Happy Birthday” ahead of time, you’re allowed to celebrate s like early! A Reinfeier, or “to celebrate into” in German, is a party that friends and family throw together the night before the birthday person’s birthday.

It’s similar to New Year’s Eve, where everyone celebrates until the stroke of midnight and then you can call as many “birthday” parties as you want!

Like Western tradition, you can express your wish when you light the candles on the cake. However, you may not tell anyone about your wish. If you say anything about it, your wish will not come true. Also, if you do not light all the candles your wish will not be fulfilled.

Pay the bill for the party arranged by yourself

Organizing a party, yourself has pros and cons. The pros are that party planning is time-consuming and expensive, and it should be your birthday, shouldn’t it?

You can control what you do and who you invite to celebrate with you. It is the only time you can treat yourself! Bring Your Cake (and Treats Too!)

You get a break if you’re a child

They do not place birthday candles on the cake for German children. An elegant wooden wreath with a candle for every year up to age 12 (plus one in the center for good luck) is instead given to each kid. On the child’s birthday, this wreath is placed on the family’s dining room table.

On their birthday, kids get to indulge in some much-needed R&R. They are free to relax and catch up on reading because they have no chores or schoolwork to complete that day.

Kids’ Birthday Parties:

In Germany, kids’ birthday celebrations frequently include games, entertainment, and delectable food. In the game “Topfschlagen,” a youngster is blindfolded and must use a spoon to tap about in order to locate a concealed object.

Special Milestones:

In Northern Germany, they transfer flour on top of the head of a young person on their 16th birthday. Eighteen birthday In Germany, being an adult is legally mandated at the age of 18, therefore attaining this milestone is extremely significant. It’s common to have an egg cracked on your head.

If you’re single and turning 30 be careful.

Your buddies will assign you to some extremely visible (and maybe inebriated) jobs in a last-ditch effort to keep you from becoming an unmarried oldster by demonstrating your skills and availability. Start marketing your housekeeping services.

You’ll be asked to clean a disorganized staircase by your buddies if you’re a male. Using a toothbrush, women must clean doorknobs.

All at once, possible soulmates will be able to view your items and assess your housekeeping abilities as they pass by. For the price of a few kisses, you may also lessen your tasks.

German Birthday Song Lyrics

Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
Zum Geburtstag liebe …
(Add the name of the birthday person)

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear.

Funny Version

Happy Birthday to you
Marmalade im Schuh
Aprikosen in die Hosen
und ein Arschtritt dazu.

Happy birthday to you
Marmelade in your shoe
Apricots in your trousers
And a kick in the butt, too.

Version for Kids

Wie schön, dass du geboren bist,
Wir hätten dich sonst sehr vermisst,
Wie schön, dass wir beisammen sind,
Wir gratulieren dir, Geburtstagskind.

How nice that you were born,
We would have really missed you otherwise.
How nice that we are together,
We congratulate you, birthday child!


How do Germans say happy birthday?

What is the German word birthday?

How do Germans write their birthday?

Who first said Happy Birthday?


In conclusion, whether the wishes are spoken in the English language or expressed in German, the sentiment of wishing someone a happy birthday remains a universal and heartwarming gesture.

Regardless of the words used, the act of acknowledging and celebrating another year of someone’s life is a beautiful tradition that transcends language barriers.

Birthdays hold a special place in our lives, reminding us of the joy, growth, and cherished moments we’ve experienced.

Whether it’s “Happy Birthday” or “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag,” the intention is the same – to spread happiness and affection, making the birthday boy or girl feel cherished and loved on their special day.

You can also send cards for birthday wishes. Hallmark is another platform where you can download cards to wish birtday.